Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Life's short, enjoy the time that God has given you; you won't get another like it.

Have you noticed lately that EVERYONE is constantly depressed? Like just peering at people's Myspace or Facebook page you get the sense that everyone is on the brink of committing suicide. Seriously it seems as though everyone has a reason to be down in the dumps. Whether it's the high gas prices, boyfriend troubles, economic stress, or any of the thousands of other things that make life suck, it is primarily these things that people choose to rant about. No one ever sees the good in life anymore. Now there are times where everyone gets depressed. Don't get me wrong, I've had many a time where I myself have had the blues, but there comes a time where we all must move on. We may all still bear the scars of the past, but let them not become a handicap unto us, but a lesson instead. Life is much, much, too precious to waste on being depressed all of the time.

Another thing that I have noticed with people is that nothing is ever good enough. More, more, more, more, is all people ever want. No matter what it is there always seems to be a deficiency in people's lives. In reality though it matters not whether you have enough money or the perfect boyfriend, but what matters is your mindset. It is not the events in someones life which determine their happiness level, but it is their outlook on life. It is your own choice to be happy or not, no one else's. I have seen homeless people, playing on the streets of Chicago with not a thing to their name but the clothes on their backs and their instrument of choice, enjoy what life brings more than most people I know. And I find this both sad and promising at the same time. I find it sad that people with a decent home, decent clothes, running water and so many surplus amenities, can be so miserable. Every single thing you have and every day you live is a blessing from God himself. And yet it is promising at the same moment as it shows that no matter how low you get, you can always find something to be happy about just as easily as you can find something to be upset about.

What is it though? Why is it that people choose to be unhappy? For one, it's human nature. As humans we tend to blame others for our discontent. It's much easier to say it's someone or something's fault for your misery than to admit your own choice to dwell in it. Another thing is that often we take the little things for granted. The air we breathe, the steps we take, the very life itself that has been given to us, all these things and so much more are forgotten in the daily lives of so many of us.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that there is so much more to life than seeing the bad. Take a chance to really appreciate the things you have and not only observe the blessings that you have received, but be a blessing to those who may not yet have realized the fact that everything that they see on this green earth is a gift in itself.

Life's short, enjoy the time that God has given you; you won't get another like it.

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